Scouting America Day at the Maine State House

January 31, 2025


Scouts from around the state are invited to the Maine State House for Scouting America Day.

February 21, 2025
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Meet with Lawmakers

At 10 AM, Scouts will be able to meet with lawmakers who will talk about their role in the government process and the difference between Community, State and Federal Government.

The Scouts who attend will be able to finish the following requirements:

Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge:
3. List the three branches of the United States government. Explain:
(a) The function of each branch of government
(b) Why it is important to divide powers among different branches
(c) How each branch “checks” and “balances” the others
(d) How citizens can be involved in each branch of government.

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge:
6. List some of the services (such as the library, recreation center, public transportation, and public safety) your community provides that are funded by taxpayers. Tell your counselor why these services are important to your community.

Tables Available in the Hall of Flags for Scouting America organizations to provide information about Camps, Order of the Arrow, Events, etc.



Your Scouting group can take a tour of the State House and the Blaine House. The Museum and Library are closed for renovations until 2026 and not available for tours.

Guided Tours are limited. Each tour at the State House and Blaine House has a maximum of 25 people. State House tours are 1 hour long at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 and 1 PM. Blaine House tours are 30 minutes at 10:00, 10:30, and 11:00. The tours on 2/21 have blocked them off for Scouting America groups.

Email Chuck Mahaleris at [email protected] for one of the tour times.

People are also welcome to self-guide tour at the State House throughout the day and we have a mobile tour to help. Here is a link to a self-guided mobile tour at the State House:…/maine-state-house…/

Feel free to also contact your Representatives to see if someone is available to give their version of a State House tour. Here is a link to email addresses:…/MemberProfiles/ListEmail

A tour of the Blaine House would fulfill requirement 7A of Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge and a Tour of the State House would fulfill requirement 7B. (The Scout has to do two of the four options for that requirement.)



The State House is located on the corners of Capitol and State Streets in Augusta. The west entrance, facing the Cross Office Building, is open to the public.

Please note that the Maine Capitol Police conduct entry screening of all visitors to the Maine State House, including students. To expedite the screening process, please:
-Arrive early – Our program starts at 9 AM but you will want to leave time needed for the screening process.
-Leave bags, unnecessary metal objects, and other personal belongings on the bus or in your car.
-Be aware that cell phones, keys, and other personal belongings brought into the State House will be screened by an x-ray machine

During inclement weather or if the group is very large, groups should enter the State House through the Cross Office Building, opposite the State House. Once inside the building, take an immediate right, go directly down the stairs and through the connector to the State House. Please stay in line to one side of the hallway to allow others to pass.

Can we arrive early?
The State House is open during weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The building is free and open to the public.

There is public parking in the main lot of the State House complex though many spaces normally available are blocked with construction equipment and material for the renovations of the Museum/Library. There is also a public parking garage at the corner of Capital Street and Sewall Street.

Parking area restrictions (including time limits) are enforced by Capitol Police. Please observe signs and do not park in parking areas marked by signs restricting parking to Legislators only.