Mandatory Leader Training

When surveyed on why their family left Scouting, the leading response is that the meetings were boring or unorganized.  Families today have many choices for activities for their children. 


Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader!


To help Scouting achieve more organized, valuable programs for families and keep them in Scouting, Pine Tree Council has implemented a mandatory training requirement for all leaders.

This mandatory training requirement was approved by the Council Executive Board with guidance from the Council Training Committee. It will be phased in over several years.

Effective January 1, 2023 – ALL Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Advisors and Skippers must be fully trained for their position for their unit to recharter for 2023.

Effective January 1, 2024 – ALL Den Leaders and ALL Committee Chairs must be fully trained for their position for their unit to recharter for 2024.

Effective January 1, 2025 – ALL assistant Scoutmasters must be fully trained for their position for their unit to recharter for 2025.

If you are a leader and believe you are fully trained, but my.scouting does not reflect that, please submit the information of when and where you completed training to the attention of your district training chair.

To be fully trained for your position, see the courses you need to take here.

Training is a tool for leaders to be more comfortable and knowledgeable in their position. Ultimately, we owe it to the Scouts to provide the best program possible. Even if only a small portion of knowledge is taken away from a training, it can help make the difference in a Scout’s life.